Leaves for the Healing of the Nations
As we read in <<Secrets of Heaven>>, "The crown woven from thorns which was placed on the Lord's head when He was crucified, and when He was hailed as King of the Jews and He said, 'Behold the Man!', John 19:2-5, represented God's truth as it was at that time in the Jewish Church, namely truth smothered by the falsities of cravings" (AC9144). Let us zoom in first on that phrase "falsities of cravings". The term "yearnings" also occurs elsewhere, and this term is equivalent to cravings. What we have here, in any case, is the customary pairing of evil with falsity, of that bread of iniquity and that wine of violence which are opposite the bread and wine, the love and wisdom, the good and truth of God. We read also in the same Writing that "There cannot possibly be any yearning that does not produce falsities" (AC1666). In other words, you cannot so much as be proud or lustful or condoning of pride or lust or appropria...