
Showing posts from September, 2021

The inner meaning of the Bible is sealed for your protection

  Doctrine of the Moment There is an optimum time in your life to begin to believe. God does not inspire living belief in someone before that optimum time in order to protect them from serious spiritual consequences. "(1) A man may be admitted into the wisdom of spiritual things, and also into a love for them, and yet not be reformed. (2) If he afterwards recedes from them, and passes over into the opposite, he profanes holy things. (3) There are many kinds of profanation, but this is the worst kind of all. (4) Therefore the Lord admits man interiorly into the truths of wisdom and at the same time into the goods of love only so far as he can be kept in them until the end of his life" (Divine Providence 221). The key word here is "interiorly". People who grew up in the Church but merely mouthed religious expressions and went through religion motions do not commit the dire sin of profanation if they cease to do these things. Many people go through religious motions as...