
Showing posts from October, 2024

The religions of the world sit at the feet of Jesus Christ

Today we will look at a subject dear to my heart, and dear to the heart of every religious person whose heart is not made out of stone: the fate of people who die in other religions than that of the Church. The typical doctrine that people hear from supposed Christian teachers goes something like this: people can only be saved if they convert to Christianity. Some of these 'teachers' will mumble a bit of add-on about 'only God knowing their hearts', and they are well to do this! Because it is correct, and they should not simply, pointblank say that people of other religions go to Hell after they die as too many say and believe. The common verse quoted to 'prove' the assertion that people who die in other religions go to Hell comes from Acts: "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved" (Acts 4:12). If people only have the literal sense to go by, then even if they do have hearts