The bride and bridegroom's joyous voices and the millstone heard

When you are hungry, you think of of what you are going to eat and related considerations such as where you are going to buy it. When you are thirsty, you think of getting a glass of water or drinking a pint. When you are sleepy, you think of going to bed. When you are aroused you think of the person or visualisation who has made you so. All of these are relations of will and understanding in everyday life.

You cannot get much more universal than tallying the marriages of will and understanding in life, the universe, and everything. You cannot get closer to God in conception than by understanding Him as a marriage of righteousness and understanding from which all relations between will and idea proceed.

It is for this reason and none other that there were "compartments" on Noah's ark; these are will and understanding. It is for this reason that there were animals 2x2 on that ark: each of these is a distinct relationship between will and understanding. It is for this reason that God sent Jacob a dream about a ladder reaching up to very Heaven, upon which angels ascended and descended.

It is for this reason that Jesus identified Himself -- who is love and wisdom itself in their greatest, highest, inmost essence from which everything proceeds -- with that ladder; and it is for this reason also that Jesus identified Himself with bread -- His love and good -- and wine -- His wisdom and understanding.

So holy are relations between will and understanding that God represented them in the central rite of Christianity; and instituted the biological sexes which we know as male and female, who embody will and understanding in ensouled matter.

And so holy and significant are these relations between will and understanding that God wrote the Word in them! just as a programmer might write a piece of software using binary code, 1 and 0. What else is there to write such a book with but the most universal relationship that exists in all the universe?

Bread and wine, honour and glory, shame and contempt, bread of wickedness, wine of violence; the aforementioned relationships are why the Bible mentions such pairs not occasionally but constantly.

Take will and understanding out of the Bible, and you have taken the vertical and horizontal slats out of a building! It is that important. Take will and understanding out and there is no more bread and wine, no more length and breadth, no more root and branch, no more Canaanite and Perizzite; for all of these things express will and understanding in one or another of the forms by which these express in externals; and each pair of will and understanding, each marriage of good and truth or evil and falsehood, is another rung on Jacob's Ladder.

God is the greatest mind in the universe, the only one of us who even has a mind; you and I, we appear to have one, because God is good and God loves to share. But we do not have a mind such as He has, just as a terminal does not have a mind like a computer has.

If people genuinely want to know more about the Bible and God whom they claim to love, they had best not turn their backs on will and understanding and the interwoven chiastic structures which express these; for they would be turning their backs on love and wisdom, bread and wine, honour and glory, length and breadth, almost the entirety of the Word! What is the point of slobbering about how much you love Jesus if you actually want nothing to do with Him as He really is? What is the point about drooling over how much you love the Word of God if in fact, when it is revealed in its true form, you yawn or despise it?

If you want to know more about the real Bible, rather than the touching of oil and wine yes the burning of root and branch which they purvey at the Church on the corner, then ask questions about the real thing, learn about the real thing, practice the real thing.

People can get to Heaven by revering God, obeying His commandments, shunning sin, and serving the neighbour. But it is a travesty that so few of these people really care about God and the Bible as they really are while incarnated in a material body for purposes of sorting and instruction before leaving their tadpole form and becoming, for the first time, a real human being in the Heaven of God.

Wherever you are in your behaviour, your bread, and your wine, your understanding, may it improve in righteousness and subtlety; for there is nothing else in the Bible but ever increasing righteousness and subtlety, and if you do not want these then you do not want the Word.

"Good is set against evil, and life against death: so is the godly against the sinner, and the sinner against the godly. So look upon all the works of the most High; and there are two and two, one against another." -- Ecclesiasticus 33:14-15 "Let reason go before every enterprise, and counsel before every action." -- Ecclesiasticus 37:

"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever" (Psalms 111:10).


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