Good Morning, New Jerusalem!

The drink offerings and cakes of Jeremiah ch. 44 are the inversions of understanding and righteousness, what the NT refers to on the positive side as "the wine of His new testament"; which is itself a veiled reference to the marriage or association between bread and wine, eating and drinking, behaviour and understanding be it good or evil internally or externally. If someone is proud and has an associated poor understanding like the "proud men" who said to Jeremiah, who spoke truly, "Thou speakest falsely" they therefore, being interpreted, made cakes to worship her and poured drink offerings to her.

The Queen of Heaven herself is a figure that signifies the sum of all spiritual errors, for stars signify the knowledges of righteousness and understanding; lest this crucial matter seem at all obscure, these knowledges are what divide and multiply when fructified by the presence of God's love and wisdom in a conjunction relationship within the believer where the Kingdom of Heaven is. She is approximately the same thing, this Queen of Heaven", as the stars falling from Heaven mentioned in prophecy. And as for the stars in the sky in their fixed and healthy state, they are the knowledges of righteousness and understanding in their strength mentioned above.

The Queen of Heaven cross-references to an appreciable degree with the defiling of Dinah, the strange woman of Proverbs, the woman in the basket sealed with a lead lid in Zechariah, and the Whore of Babylon. This comprises a deliberate index or set of 'lady villains'.

"How is the faithful city become a harlot!" cries Isaiah. And this, Neighbours, is the trajectory of the Church's love and wisdom, its bread and its wine, its will and understanding countlessly expressed across the entire universe and achieving its greatest most magnanimous expression in the Divine Human, Jesus Christ.

"Because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold" God said in His sermon the End Times of the Earth (Olivet Discourse), which is to say the final chapter of the Church. For Earth in the Bible signifies not the third rock from our star the Sun but rather the Church.

What is that love which waxes cold? Neighbours, the degree to which people's love fulfills the law of the greatest commandments of all! "Love is the fulfillment of the law", writes Paul, "for love does no harm" and is kind. And what laws are these greatest commandments of all which so intimately and universally express the meaning of life and its practice on Earth?

36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

"37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

38 This is the first and great commandment.

39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets" (Matthew 22:36-40).

Let one just draw your eyes -- your understanding, your fullness of eyes -- to the notable fact that the Olivet Discourse containing the verse cited above involving "the love of many shall wax cold" just happens to mention a trajectory of love. And this other marvellous and comprehensive and directive passage from Matt. 22 just happens to contain a reference to prophecy "hanging" on love!

One has already mentioned Ephesians ch. 3 on numerous occasions, because it just happens to mention a "length and breadth and height" of the Lord's love. The notable feature here, of course, is the fact that length and breadth and height occur with particular emphasis precisely in the prophetical books of the Word. That is, we again have a definite relation between love and prophecy, "the love on which the law and prophets hang".

Welcome to the cuckoo clock of the Church, where the meaning of "Neither shall they say Look here! or Look there! for the Kingdom of Heaven is within you" becomes apparent at the same time as the allegorical and correspondential meanings of length, breadth, and height at the same time as Lord Jesus returns in the clouds which are the literal text of the Bible with great power and glory, which Paul assures us in ch.3 of Ephesians also comes specifically to the "inner man".

Remember how God went up the mountain, which signifies love of God and the neighbour, with precisely Peter, James and John? Ever wondered if their might be some kind of relationship between this tercet and the one previously mentioned of length, breadth and height?

"In this world we call something long and broad if it is long and broad spatially, and the same holds true for "high." In heaven, though, where thinking does not involve space, people understand length as a state of good and breadth as a state of truth, while height is their difference in regard to level (discussed above in 38). The reason these three dimensions are understood in this way is that length in heaven is from east to west, which is where people live who are in the good of love. Breadth in heaven is from south to north, where people live who are in truth because of what is good (see above, 148); and height in heaven applies to both in regard to their level" (Heaven and Hell 197).

As the Spirit of Truth teaches in these tumultuous times of the New Jerusalem's descent from Heaven, Peter is the truths of faith which we know as the rock and which we drink as water which we serve as though they were kings. For all of these are one.

The Spirit of Truth likewise teaches that James is the charity or oil or love or inmost holy magnanimous nurturing bread of the Church which gladdens the heart with love of being useful and sincere dedication to loving God and the neighbour. It is then that the bride and bridegroom sound joyously, then that the millstone sounds in the prophetical books of the Word!

It is then that the faithful city is in her white horse and her strength, with her gold and silver at their purest, with her worthiness to eat the bread and drink the wine greatest, with her pouring of oil and wine into the wounds of the spiritually robbed and left for dead at its most magnanimous and informative and cooperative!

The cooling of the lady's love, the falling of her stars from Heaven, the change from faithful city to harlot, from Wisdom to Whore, proceeds through the lesser metals and the sequence of horses which parallels it in precisely the same trajectory of love with which we have been so much concerned.

When the Earth -- the Church -- reaches the 3rd quarter of the charity or prophetical life cycle -- the book of Revelation strikingly warns us, "Touch not the oil and wine!" We must indeed touch not the love and wisdom of God. We must indeed pour love and wisdom into the wounds of those spiritually robbed and left for dead by robbers, spiritual thieves!

Love must pour true directions regarding proper behaviour about alignment with divine order without which there cannot be conjunction and cannot be entry into Heaven! This is to pour in oil. This is warning people not to be proud or adulterous or contemptuous or ungrateful or venomous or covetous or conceited or hateful or abominable or any other thing which hurts God or the neighbour in our actions or our thoughts, in our hands or in our foreheads.

Jesus did this at the well with the Samaritan woman, this is very important. He poured in the oil of warning her about adultery, and understandings associated with this oil of warning, this love which mentions sin, this warning about chains that bind people to Hell and in which they are initially bound but as to whose existence they were not apprised, till the Word made it evident in spades; that is, abundantly.

He poured in the wine of understandings related to the spiritual life, as well as the warning of oil, which is bothering to mention to someone that the course they are on leads to eternal death and exile from the love and wisdom, the marriage supper, of Heaven.

Neighbours, never forget that anything in the Word called an abomination must literally not be done and also signifies some form of spiritual profanation. We do not engage in practices called abominable, which are known as the forbidden degrees, if we want to enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

We must not hate others or feed pride or contempt or envy or enjoy suffering or cause the same or otherwise knowingly break the commandments of God, if we want to enter the Heavenly Gates and live in joy outside of time and space, where we are what we chose as to bread and as to wine in this life.

An Argentinean writer wrote a story called "The Garden of Forking Paths". Well, quite aside from any actual details of its plot, the name itself suggests precisely the sorting and testing that we each undergo in this life and in some cases after it known as trials of fire and water.

"Except for the law, I had not known sin", Paul wrote. "Be not surprised beloved at the fiery trial which is to try you!" wrote Peter. Faith, Neighbours, expects trials by fire or of the will or of love and trials of water or of the understanding or of wisdom or of hand or of forehead. Faith expects a storm to follow getting on the boat with Jesus. Faith expects trials which refine us as to love and as to understanding if we, that is, do not reject them utterly with willful disobedience to the commandments around which the trials are based.

Towards the end of the charity or prophetical life cycle of the Earth, that is the Church, the Church eventually stops keeping the commandments of God in direct proportion as its love cools. With each decrease in love, there is an associated or married decrease in understanding. When the love and understanding reach rock bottom, this is the death of the Old Church when they render the commandments of God of none effect and when there is no more faith on Earth.

This is the point when Jesus cries "Your house is left unto you desolate!" This is the point, roughly nearby in time, when the Jewish Church your world knows as Judaism perished in the flood and in the fire, breaking both of God's greatest commandments and thus crucifying specifically the representative God Man who is both commandments at a stroke (being God and Man, Divine and Human, Jesus Christ, Lord and Father and God).

This is when the Church known as Christianity slayed the two witnesses which are the love and wisdom, the righteousness and understanding, of the Earth or Church of Jesus Christ. This is when they touched the oil and wine. This is when they perished in the flood and fire.

"Watchman, watchman, what of the night?" "The morning cometh, and also the night."

Neighbours! Good morning. Welcome to the New Jerusalem, the new Heaven and new Earth. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to obey the commandments of God with His righteousness and to conduct your affairs with His understanding and to be diligent about His good deeds with His driving motivation to perform them, which is the signification of John of Peter, James and John fame.

It is John who represents the good deeds which result from the conjunction of bread and wine, of oil and wine, of bread and water, of love and understanding. For the end of wisdom and understanding, the inevitable and desirable child without which life lacks its most central nurturance and alignment with order, is being of sincere use to God and the neighbour out of love and not fear of punishment or working for a reward or presuming to earn one's way into Heaven, which cannot be.

We love, we understand, we serve usefully. And together we are in the length, breadth and height of the 3rd Temple and the New Jerusalem, when we do this. If we do not do this, if we do not choose to align with love, wisdom and usefulness as the Word adamantly expects, then you know where we go instead of the Heaven of God within us.

Those who do not overcome in trials by fire or will or choice of good and evil receive the mark of the beast in their hands. Those who do not overcome in trials by water or choice of truth and error receive the mark of the beast in their foreheads. Those contrarily who overcome in trials by fire and water receive the seal of God in their hands and in their foreheads, in their behaviour and in their understanding.

All of this, Neighbours, is the inside of the Bible called the inner meaning, which is the same kind of inner meaning that Jesus shared with His disciples when showing them "all things concerning Him" which were written in the Word of the Old Testament. We receive access to the inner meaning when God comes to our inmost hearts in clouds of the literal text with great power, predicated of good, and glory, predicated of truth; which is also like passing the angel with the flaming sword who guards the Garden of Eden.

It is the book written within, and on the backside, mentioned in Revelation 5:1. It is the cloud and the rainbow in association with the angel, also in Revelation. It is law and the sense of the law of Nehemiah 8:8. It is something that the 2nd Coming of God to the individual believer confers like an access code which unlocks vast swathes of the Word for practical application and education.

This is why the transfiguration on the mount occurred with relation to Moses, the historical Word, and Elias, the prophetical Word, exactly in a cloud! For these together represent the Word, the very sharp sword which issues from the mouth of the Word, the Divine Human, Himself!

This sharp sword -- "Without the law, I had not known sin", as Paul says" -- pierces through our own souls also, as was said to Mary the mother of the Man side of the God Man. For in reading the historical and prophetical Word we involve ourselves voluntarily in sorting and refining processes entered into with full consent.

In our very willingness to read the Word we simultaneously express our willingness to shun the sins which we discover in our behaviour and our appetite for learning as much as we can about these and thus about liberation from spiritual bondage. When we read the Word with this willingness to improve as to the bread and as to wine, God comes to the clouds of the literal text we read and joins His love to our hearing and doing.

We cannot be said to have any willingness at all if we do not shun the sins of the mind and sins of the behaviour which the Word identifies for us and to which God draws our attention in the course of everyday mental and external life.

Those who were offended at Jesus' sermon on eating His flesh and drinking His blood were not being squeamish about the strong language which He used. They were offended that they might have to actually refrain from engaging in practices that the Word identifies as chaining people to Hell.

These are those meant in the Sermon of the Sower who are initially glad about the Word but then abandon it when it results in actual tribulation or testing; for they are not keen to have exactly the sand that they must have in their oyster shells in order for God to grow a pearl of great price there; that is, in their souls, which require a bit of friction to get them to that point of growing such a precious outcome to serving our time in time, the test chamber of material existence and monitored free will.

As to that free will -- which writes the book of our lives which is to be opened when those books are in Revelation -- we have it because we are precisely poised between Heaven and Hell. It is like the way in physics that two forces will cancel out when exerting diametrically opposed and equal pull or lift on an object; such that the object can move in a third direction without being arrested in perfect freedom of movement.

This freedom of movement towards love of God and the neighbour and its married understanding or away from these towards love of self and the world is the twin gardens of forking paths with which we choose the outcome and coordinates of our destination in the spiritual world. You will personally end up in exactly the appropriate node in timelessness and spacelessness, bread-and-wine, that you chose in this life with your actions and your thoughts.

There are countless destinations or specific neighbourhoods which are degrees or rungs of bread and wine. We choose our forever neighbours every day, in all sorts of interior or exterior ways, and God personally directs our tutelage every day. Insofar as we accept His leading, He opens the door and enters in and sups with us, sharing His love. For supping is eating is good is righteousness, which nurturance in righteousness and love is the wonderful reality of being taught within and without by Jesus Christ.

"You yourselves are taught by God to love one another" (1 Thessalonians 4:9). Let us not be abstract at all in understanding this humanely and concretely: the abused puppy that is treated in a loving manner first responds to that love; and then wishes to share love back. Love heals us, and then we are sufficiently on our feet to share love.

That glorious love, that love full of understanding spoken of in Philippians which is the mountain filling with chariots and horses of fire in 2 Kings 6:17, gives us an example to follow; for that inmost nurturance which is the love of God has the power to motivate us to love the neighbour as we ourselves can see -- that is, to understand -- that we are loved by God.

"12 I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now.

13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come" (John 16:12-13).

"Behold, I make all things new!" God says of that new Heaven and new Earth, that new bottle for new wine, that New Church and New Jerusalem. He made all things new for His disciples in precisely the same manner as when He explained "all things concerning Himself" in the Old Testament.

It is the night of the Christian Church and the morning of the New Jerusalem. Would you like to get on the ark, Neighbour, or do you want to drown in the flood? The choice is yours, and you choose it in your thoughts and actions, not with any gushiness or display. Godspeed.


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