'Out of ze 'vay, bug!' "Grasshoppers in their sight" : The Contemptuous Arrogance of Nephilim

 We have touched on insects in the Word in the past, as in this verse from Numbers:

Numbers 13:33 - King James Version (KJV)

<33> And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.

Much junk food has been written about the Nephilim; which has essentially more in common with Dungeons and Dragons than with the Word of God and the spiritual meanings which it throughout encodes.

Here the salient point to take hold of is the tininess of those upon whom we gaze with contempt. As we read in Arcana Coelestia, the Nephilim "were possessed with the most enormous love of self, and supposed themselves to be as gods, and that whatever they thought was Divine" ; consequently, they looked upon other people as bugs (AC562). What is the modern-day equivalent? 'Out of ze vay, bug.' 

Isaiah 40:22 - King James Version (KJV)

<22> It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:

The "He" here is of course God; so that the connection between seeing other people as grasshoppers and arrogating to oneself divine qualities though a mere human being is very clear. 

The essential spiritual error of the dying Church known in its latter end as the Nephilim was to justify their "yearnings" -- their craving to commit abominations -- with the Word itself; and once they had done this, as in a kind of neurolinguistic programming, they ever after saw only justifications of their sins in the Word of God, making it impossible for them to use it other than profanely.

Proverbs 24:24 - King James Version (KJV)

<24> He that saith unto the wicked, Thou are righteous; him shall the people curse, nations shall abhor him:

We have seen how the Writings refer to "yearnings"; people do not merely commit sin, they yearn to commit it and delight in its commission. In other words, those who falsify the Word so grievously as to use it to justify wickedness yearn to do so and enjoy it.

The proverb above says that the people will curse and the nations abhor; anyone with a knowledge of correspondences, the ideal forms with which God wrote the Word, will know that people is a predicate of the understanding and of truth or falsity; and that nation is a predicate of the will and of good and evil; which brings us to an often misinterpreted verse: Genesis 6:4

Genesis 6:4 - King James Version (KJV)

<4> There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

There were people in the Church in those days the wickedness of whose latter states involved using the very "sons of God" -- the truths of faith which we are only to use to justify righteousness! -- in order to justify their "daughters of men", their cravings for and delights in abomination. 

We return, therefore, to the proverb above and to a particular type of person moreover: the so-called 'Christian pastor' who openly and shamelessly "calls white black and black white", telling people that they can literally commit abomination and justifying this teaching with the Word which is only to be used to justify the doing of good. 

"Him shall the people curse, nations shall abhor him". Such a man is "cut off from the people", as we read in Leviticus, which signifies that once someone commits abomination or delights in the commission of abomination by others their understanding of the good and truth of the Word, however learned it may appear, is history. 

When the Nephilim did similarly by justifying their worst evils with the truths of faith, they extinguished that about themselves which separates human from beast; so utterly did they extinguish good in the will and light in the understanding that this 'sacrifice of sons and daughters to Moloch', this opposite of 'honoring the Father and Mother', even suffocated and destroyed them thereby in the "flood which came and took them all away". 

Let us turn to the Gospels for a moment so that the "latter days" of the Jewish Church as it became a whore and anti-Church may be seen in near relation: Luke 16:14

Luke 16:14 - King James Version (KJV)

<14> And the Pharisees also, who were covetous, heard all these things: and they derided him.

And the Pharisees, who loved to satisfy evil desires, heard all these things and expressed sentiments which proceed from falsity in the understanding in relation to these; for when we deride people, we express distorted conceptions of them which are more in keeping with the sin of reviling than, for instance, having a clear picture in one's head about them.

This is an appropriate time to mention someone whom I know who gets so into playing Halflife or whatever it is that they regularly call the people with whom they play "trash"; and refer to their computers likewise as trash; and generally revile them through and through. This is seeing other people as grasshoppers while being a mere man and not God. And this is an example of how the sin of reviling couples with the error of distorted conception and description of others as trash, excrement, nothing. Let us abandon the person in question and use him only as a classroom globe to show us the countless people who engage in the same sin and error. For those whom people hate are conceived of in the imagination in a distorted way which fits that hate like a glove.

Do we want to see people whom we hate clearly? No, of course not. If we hate someone, then we erect a straw man effigy of that person that is easy to hate and immolate, which operation proceeds most smoothly when that straw effigy is distorted out of all recognition almost in relation to the actual person thus caricatured.

One strongly advises paying close attention to the thoughts which enter your head from Heaven and Hell concerning people whom you know. Is the impulse of the thought about the person hateful or loving? And is the ideation of the thought about the person clear or distorted? Countless people think evil thoughts about others; and consequently have distorted images of others in their minds which support these evil thoughts. I am not picking on you or me when I say that we have both experienced these evil thoughts and distorted imaginations about people whom we know. I say 'experienced' because we should never forget that such thoughts come from Hell. But if you love such thoughts from Hell and feed them, then they become yours! You broke it, you bought it...

1 Samuel 17:42-43 - King James Version (KJV)

<42> And when the Philistine looked about, and saw David, he disdained him: for he was but a youth, and ruddy, and of a fair countenance. <43> And the Philistine said unto David, Am I a dog, that thou comest to me with staves? And the Philistine cursed David by his gods.

Here we have the famous giant Goliath who represents just such huge self-love in combination with distorted perception of others as being nothing in comparison.

This same Goliath is said to have had a "staff like a weaver's beam". This is an appropriate time to mention the three Heavens again, being the 3rd or celestial, the 2nd or spiritual, and the 1st or natural. Among the markers which signify these are weaving (celestial), skilled craftsmanship (spiritual), and embroidery (natural). Without going into more detail about these now -- except in passing to say there are no idle mentions of these -- I want you to zero in on the fact that the weaver's beam signifies the will and celestial corrupted in the case of Goliath the giant; who has been so portrayed as a giant to connect with the Nephilim, who were likewise originally a celestial Church -- thus weavers specifically in our schema -- which became corrupted as described by justifying their abominations with the Word of God. 

Enough has now been said to make you practically aware of the importance of considering the thoughts in your head about other people, whether these are good or evil, true or false, clear, or distorted. And enough has now been said to make you aware of the practical value of the verse in Genesis about sons of God coming into the daughters of men and thus coupling justifications from the Word with abominations which are not to be justified at all, let alone with the Word as the instrument! One will close by noting that there is not a son or daughter, father or mother in the Word of God which does not indicate meanings such as here explained to you; and that such images as nations and peoples behave exactly like these daughters and sons and are to be understood like all of this in practical relation to your will and your understanding, not merely read like some episode from mythology about mere literal giants wandering around making such pests of themselves that they had to be drowned chop chop. Remember not to make the error of Nicodemus who came to Jesus by night, who did not understand that everything in the Word including births refers to spiritual matters above all and not natural matters only. 

Voila! Something which appeared to be just a story is indeed a story: the story of your life, which you write with God amid a succession of changes of state of will and understanding, not worthlessly historical information merely 'hanging out' in the Word of God without a spiritual reason to justify its being there. Godspeed and enjoy your weekends. 

Appendix: "That by the “sons of God” are signified doctrinal things of

faith, is evident from the signification of “sons” (concerning which

just above, and also in the preceding chapter, verse 4, where “sons”

signify the truths of the church). The truths of the church are

doctrinal things, which regarded in themselves were truths because

those here treated of had them by tradition from the most ancient

people, and therefore they are called the “sons of God”; they are so

called also relatively, because yearnings are called the “daughters of

man.” The quality of the members of this church is here described,

namely, that they immersed the truths of the church, which were

holy, in their yearnings, and thereby defiled them" (Arcana Coelestia 570).

"There are three things in the heavens which follow on in

order; namely, the celestial, the spiritual, and the natural; the

celestial makes the inmost heaven, the spiritual the middle heaven,

and the natural which proceeds from the spiritual makes the

ultimate heaven. These same three things are in man, and in him

they follow on in the same order as in the heavens; for a

regenerated man is a heaven in the least form, corresponding to the

grand man (n. 9279). But the faculties which receive these three

things are called the will, the understanding, and the

memory–knowledge by virtue of which is the thought or

imagination of the external or natural man. The will receives the

celestial, or good; the intellectual receives the spiritual, or truth

from this good; and the memory-knowledge which makes the

understanding of the natural man brings the two former to a close.

These three are signified in the Word by “the embroiderer,” “the

skilled craftsman,” and “the weaver"" (Arcana Coelestia 9915).


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